🇬🇧 24 hours in Turin 🇬🇧

What to do in 24 hours in Turin.


3/10/20245 min read

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The last stop on our 15 days road trip in Italie was in Turin.

In this article I will tell you about our stay, what we did, visited and where we stayed.

Located in the northwest of Italy, at the foot of the Alps and next to the French border, Turin is the capital city of the Piedmont region. Less known than many other Italian cities, it is still very beautiful and worth visiting.

For how long ?

We only stayed in Turin for 24 hours. This was the last stop on our trip and we couldn't wait to get home. So we arrived on Sunday July 31 and left on Monday August 1.

For me, 24 hours was enough to visit Turin. Indeed, even in a few hours on Sunday evening, we had time to tour the city center and wander around.

We didn't have time at all to visit museums or monuments. But we didn't miss it. If you want to visit some, I advise you to stay at least two days, to have time to see everything.

Where to sleep in Turin ?

For this last night in Italy we decided to sleep in a hotel found on Booking. The hotel was located in the suburbs of Turin, so we had to take our car to visit the city.

The hotel was good, a very simple room. I didn't find it extremely clean or pretty, but it got the job done. We paid 54€ for one night. The next day, we were treated to breakfast before leaving.

Day 1 :

After a few hours of driving we arrived in Turin early in the afternoon. And after a good nap, we decided to go and discover Turin.

Valentino Park

It is a public park of approximately 50 hectares located along the Po river. The walk there is very pleasant and there are many works of art.

In its center you can see the Valentino Castle. An enormous castle dating from the 17th century. Today it houses the Faculty of Architecture of the Polytechnic School of Turin. But I don't know if it is possible to visit it.

In this park you can also find a small reconstructed medieval castle. A full small town was built around it with small shops. It’s a lot of fun to walk around. When we went there it was quite late in the afternoon, so all the shops were already closed. Remember to check your schedules.

Mount of Capuchins

In Italian Monte dei Cappuccini, is a hill located at an altitude of 284 meters and offers a magnificent panorama of the city of Turin. It is close to the city center so very practical when you want to walk around. You can go up on foot or by car, there are a few parking places at the top.

At the top is also the Capuchin church, a monastery and the Mountain Museum.

San Carlo Square

It is the largest square in Turin. It is huge and has two twin churches (Santa Cristina and San Carlo Borromeo) as well as a large equestrian statue of Emmanuel-Philibert of Savoy. It is bordered by elegant palaces and historic cafes.

Castello Square

It is the second largest square in Turin. It owes its name to the Royal Palace and the Madame Palace, both located on this square. Concerts and other public events are often held on the square.

It is possible to visit these two palaces if you wish. Exhibitions are often present there.

Palatine Gate

It is one of the four Roman city gates still standing, built towards the end of the 1st century. It was restored at the beginning of the 20th century and probably transformed in the 11th century. Bronze statues of Octavian Augustus and Julius Caesar have been installed right in front of it.

Poormanger Restaurant

We decided to stop at a restaurant for dinner and we passed by this one. It was a 100% potato restaurant. There were a lot of people so we had to wait several minutes outside, but we ate really well !

Day 2 :

It was after our breakfast that we left directly for France and our home !

Turin is a superb city, I would have liked to spend more time there and take the time to see more things. It’s a very historic city and it has a lot of charm. Especially at night, I loved the big squares all lit up, it was magnificent !

And this is finally the end of our 15 days trip to Italy. It wasn't easy but it was great. We visited beautiful cities and places full of history. I 100% recommend Italy if you want to be amazed and learn a lot.

You can also find our stay in Turin in my Youtube video below:

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I'll see you soon in a new article!

Laura :)